Summer Gardening Series: Growing Green Beans

Last week we outlined Twin Pines’ advice for growing delicious summer Zucchini. This week, we’ll walk you through the When, Where, and Care for Growing Green Beans in your summer garden!

Don’t forget: Check back weekly for gardening tips, guides, and even some favorite summer veggie recipes from the Twin Pines Team!

Green Beans – 

Green Beans are a delicious summer vegetable, and a fun summer plant to garden! There are a variety of types of Green Beans, including Pole Beans, Bush Beans, Runner Beans, Yardlong Beans, and more! In this article, we will focus on the two most popular variations: Pole Beans and Bush Beans.

When To Plant:

Green Beans of any type should be planted after soil has warmed up during the late spring months. There should be full sun available to the plants for many hours of the day, making post-summer solstice timing ideal.

Where To Plant:

These delicious veggies should be planted in fertile soil that is rich in nutrients. If you can find a way to include compost into the garden beds you plant them in, they will also thrive.

Growing Pole Beans:

Green Beans that are grown on a vertical pole are a popular option, as they not only grow into delicious vegetables, but save a lot of space in a garden as they grow towards the sun.

Before you begin, you must first build a tipi or trellis for the plant to grow around. Once this structure has been built, for the best results be sure to plant pole beans about 6-10 inches apart so they have plenty of distance to grow.

Keep in mind that these plants will climb upwards over time on a vine that may reach up to 15 feet tall. For that reason we recommend creating a structure that extends as far and that can last through the season, as Pole Beans also tend to produce over and over again through the first frost of fall. This is one of the biggest benefits of choosing Pole Beans over Bush Beans, which do not produce as continuously.

Growing Bush Beans

Unlike Pole Beans, Bush Beans grow horizontally on their own bushes rather than up towards the sky. The shorter height of these plants, which typically does not exceed two feet,  is often more conducive to a generic garden’s shape and size.

To grow these Bush Beans, plant seeds 3-6 inches apart with a 1-2 feet of space between the rows in soil that is drained but has a great exposure to sun. These plants should produce a crop in about two weeks, and will also continue to grow throughout the season. That being said, in order to grow the largest amount possible, replant a couple weeks apart for the best results.

Post-Planting Care

Although drained soil is ideal for planting purposes, it is incredibly important to keep soil moist during flowering and fruiting. For that reason, experts recommend using mulch along the base of plants to help lock in the moisture and keep the soil cool during hot months.

Gardeners should also be sure to water the beds evenly until the seedlings begin emerging from the ground, with about 1-1.5 inches of water per week. Green Beans will thrive best with a drip irrigation system as opposed to overhead or garden hose watering.

Harvesting The Green Beans

Unlike some other vegetable varieties, Green Beans should be harvested at an immature stage, before the seeds have fully developed.

To physically harvest the plant, locate a single pod that looks to be about mature in size and snap or cut it off from the vine without tearing the plant. If a bean is fresh and ready to be picked, it should snap off the vine without difficulty.

In order to keep the harvest going all summer long, its is recommended to sow beans every two or so weeks.

*Bonus: Twin Pines’ Favorite Green Bean Recipes*

Green Beans with Bacon and Pecans via “Savory Sweet Life”
Beer Battered Green Beans via “Lady Behind the Curtain”
Asian Garlic Green Beans via “The Garden Grazer”
green beans (2) copy font
Smothered Green Beans via “Plain Chicken”
Roasted Green Beans with Pancetta, Red Onions, and Garlic via “Creative Culinary”

Summer Gardening Series: Growing Zucchini

Many of Twin Pines’ customers use the warm months of summer to garden, and for years we have been helping not only create spaces in their landscapes to grow these fruits and vegetables, but in many cases, have actually helped maintain them as they grow. For that reason, throughout this season, we will be sharing tips from the Twin Pines gardening experts! With our help, hopefully you too can grow delicious produce right in your own backyard!

Check back weekly for gardening tips, guides, and even some favorite summer veggie recipes from the Twin Pines Team!

Zucchini – 

Zucchini is an incredibly popular summer vegetable to grow, mostly because, when cared for correctly, it can be harvested a mere 40-60 days after being planted. That means diligent gardeners may be able to get a full 2-3 crops of these veggies grown by the end of the summer! Check out these expert tips from Twin Pines for growing the best zucchini this season:

When To Plant

For the best results, Zucchini seeds should not be planted until after you are sure the last frost of winter has passed, as this vegetable does not tolerate cold temperatures. The ideal soil temperature for planting is between 60 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit; at this warmth, the Zucchini plants will thrive.

Where To Plant

Zucchini seeds should be spread out when planted in order to grow properly. At minimum, they should be inserted into soil mounds 3-4 feet apart from one another. The benefit of planting in a soil mound is that it allows you to plant the seed about an inch below the surface of the soil, while still giving the roots excess room to grow downwards. For the best results, these hills should be between 6 and 12 inches high and about one to two feet wide.

Post-Planting Care

Zucchini is a thirsty plant, which requires roughly 2 inches of water per week to remain fully hydrated. For that reason, it is important that the soil around the plants remain consistently moist. This can be accomplished by hand-watering, or with the use of an installed irrigation system.

Gardeners may also want to consider mulching around the plants once the seeding has been established, as this helps keep the temperature of the soil below the mulch stable and the moisture from watering locked in.

*Bonus: Twin Pines’ Favorite Zucchini Recipes*

Parmesan Zucchini Tots via “Kirbie’s Cravings”
Zucchini-Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies via “Cooking Classy”
10-Minute Lemon Garlic Butter Shrimp & Zoodles via “Eat Well 101”
Zucchini Enchiladas via “Delish”
Chicken Parmesan Zucchini Boats via “The Wholesome Dish”
Caprese Zoodles via “Delish”